Monday, July 24, 2006

Long Time no Blog!

Sorry it's been ages since i blogged something....and i probably won't be able to think of many things that have been exciting!

Bekky has now finished school for the summer and finished Reception year...can't believe it really.....she will be in Ms Saunders class next year and seems to be really looking forward to it. I had a birthday which was nice...went out for dinner with some of the girls from church....went out for dinner with matt....then Mum and Andrew came up for the all together a lovely birthday once again. Been to see my beautiful neice in a ballet show...i was so proud of her.....she looked SO sweet! Bekky really loved seeing her but tells me she NEVER wants to go to a dance class! Such a shame but you can't force them!

Been a bit of a sad time with people moving away....Brionnie and Jess have gone and Katie and Alex and the boys go whilst we are on holiday! Going to be abit weird when we get back and things return to normal. Good news is that my mate Bee has got a new job where we will be able to "do lunch"....excellent!

Well, we go off on holiday next week! JUST CAN'T WAIT!!!!! It's going to be great to get away and have a rest!!!

Looking back, there were some fairly exciting things in there!