Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I'm Back!

Well actually we've been back from our holiday for about 2 months! We had a great time...weather was lovely...bit of sunburn action going on! Boo really enjoyed herself and spent a lot of time playing with Honour and William, and we also spent quite a lot of time with Joh and Mike which was brilliant!

Things here have been good! Work's going fine....Bekky has settled into her new school class with her new teacher and seems to be enjoying it! Matt is well....it was his birthday yesterday.

Despite it being 2 months since i wrote i don't really have that much to say...highlights of this month have included going to the cinema to see "Little Miss Sunshine" brilliant and really funny, "the Devil wears Prada" completely girly but brilliant!!!
We also had Anne come to stay for a couple of days which was great just to hang out with her and watch TV! It's what we do best!!!

Anyway, should get on with some work!
