Wednesday, May 03, 2006


We have a new hamster.....Georgia was purchased last Thursday and seems to have settled in well! I'll get Matt to try and take a photo so that you can all see her! she seems alot more lively than Cheeky Monkey and seems to sleep less! Funnily enough she has done exactly the same that Cheeky Monkey did and has made her bed at the end of the tube and not in the house! I wonder why they do that!!! Anyway...have to clean her out soon as she has made abit of a mess so we'll see where she settles down after that! Bekky chose the name...was meant to be called "joseph" but they only had female ones!

Our lovely friend Willow got married on Monday....such a nice day...she looked beautiful and her now husband Len looked really smart! We all had new outfits which was nice! Boo loves a good church wedding as she knows lots of her element!

Bekky has got the day off school tommorrow as her school is being used as a polling think we'll go to Brighton for the day and hang out on the Pier (that makes us sound abit common). Boo likes abit of funfair action (as do i) so hopefully a good day will be had by all!

Well i had better lots of tv recorded to watch whilst Matt is at work...ER, Greys Anatomy etc!!!

Take Care Boogaloo's!!!xxx

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