Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Delayed Kitchen

Well, i finally managed to speak to someone at Kitchen's Direct after spending another lunch hour calling them! They then called me back to say it was all going ahead as normal....then they called again to say that the surveyor needs to come back out and redo the bit where the microwave is going. so it's now going to be delivered next week and then they will fit it the week us a bit more time to clear out the ktichen which is's getting there slowly!

Got an appointment at the dentist tommrrow at 11.30.....already worried about it....but guess it will be fine and i won't be in there long!

Getting my hair cut next week! this is what i'm thinking of going for.......a graduated bob....i'll look for a pic later and post it!

Right better go and hang out the washing!!!

1 comment:

Ms Mac said...

Eeek! Good luck at the dentist!